Webmail access

go to https://cloudways.mymailsrvr.com/wmidentity/Account/Login

Changing your password

  • Log in to your mailbox at cloudways.mymailsrvr.com/wmidentity/Account/Login.

    Note: Your password might already be entered when you login. However, you must be able to manually enter the password in the following steps.

  • Click your username in the upper-right corner and then select Settings.
  • In the left pane of the Settings dialog box, click Security, then Change it Now.
  • Enter the following information:
    • Current Password: Enter the password that you just used to log in to the mailbox.
    • New Password: Enter the new password for the mailbox.
    • Confirm Password: Enter the new password again.

    Note: Review Password Management and Best Practices for guidance on password creation.

  • Click Save.

    Note: You must update your password on any device that you use to check mail for this mailbox.

Setting up your email to an device.
